Post Directory

*Note: I’ve recently had to go back and either delete or temporarily remove certain posts for purposes of editing/updating, especially older ones. My apologies for inconveniences 

A directory to make access to series of posts easier:

The Existence of God

The Five Ways:

  1. The First Way: Argument from Motion
    1. Prime Mover: An Amateur Defense
    2. Prime Mover part 2: Who is the Prime Mover?
    3. Prime Mover part 3: Final Objections
    4. Outlined Version of the Prime Mover Argument
  2. The Second Way: Argument from Efficient Causation
    1. Aquinas’s First Cause Argument for the Existence of God: Preliminary Issues
    2. Aquinas’s First Cause Argument part 2: Efficient Causes
    3. Aquinas’s First Cause Argument part 3: Essence and Existence
    4. Aquinas’s First Cause Argument part 4: Conclusion
    5. Outlined Version of the First Cause Argument
  3. The Third Way: Argument from Contingency
    1. Aquinas’s Argument from Contingency for the Existence of God: Introduction
    2. Aquinas’s Contingency Argument Part 2: Contingent Beings
    3. Aquinas’s Contingency Argument Part 3: Necessary Beings
    4. Outlined Version of the Contingency Argument
  4. The Fourth Way: Argument from Degrees of Perfection
    1. Aquinas’s Argument from Degrees of Perfection for the Existence of God: Introduction
    2. Aquinas’s Argument from Degrees of Perfection Part 2: Goodness and Being
    3. Aquinas’s Argument from Degrees of Perfection Part 3: Hierarchy of Being
    4. Aquinas’s Argument from Degrees of Perfection Part 4: Conclusion
    5. Outlined Version of the Degrees of Perfection Argument
  5. The Fifth Way: Argument from Design
    1. Aquinas’s Argument from Design for the Existence of God: Introduction
    2. Aquinas’s Argument from Design Part 2: Final Causality
    3. Aquinas’s Argument from Design Part 3: The End
    4. Outlined Version of the Design Argument

Arguments from Desire:

  1. An Augustinian Argument from Desire
  2. Thomistic Argument from Desire, Part I
  3. Thomistic Argument from Desire, Part II

Kalam Cosmological Argument:

  1. Assessing the Kalam Cosmological Argument, Part 1
  2. Assessing the Kalam Cosmological Argument, Part II: Aristotle vs Philoponus on Eternity


  1. Is the Prime Mover a “God of the Gaps” Argument?
  2. The Prime Mover and the Nature of Immutability

Response to Arguments for Naturalism/Atheism:

  1. Why Did God Create Anything at All?
  2. Why Did God Create Anything at All Part 2: The Problem of Non-God Objects
  3. 25 Arguments for Atheism #1: The Unimpressiveness of Humans
  4. Further Thoughts on the Unimpressiveness of Humans Argument for Atheism
  5. Epicurean Cosmological Argument
  6. Arguments for Atheism #2: Material Causation and Creation Ex Nihilo
  7. Brief Thoughts on Meaning, Purpose, and God
  8. Could an Evil God Exist? Thoughts on Classical Theism and Definitions of God
  9. Responding to the Cosmic Skeptic on the Cosmological Argument


Beginning Metaphysics: A Presentation and Defense of Aristotelian-Thomism:

  1. Beginnings Metaphysics: First Philosophy as “Lord of the Sciences”
  2. Beginning Metaphysics II: Defining Existence 
  3. Beginning Metaphysics III: Introduction to Essence and Existence
  4. Beginning Metaphysics IV: Essentialism


Christian Theology:

  1. An Existential Argument for the Resurrection
  2. An Augustinian Defense of Hell
  3. The Incarnation and Boethius’ Hierarchy of Knowledge

The Person of Jesus:

  1. The Most Significant Human in History: An Introduction to the Person of Jesus
  2. The Person of Jesus Part 1: Jesus’s Shadow Over History
  3. The Person of Jesus Part 2: Questions for Inquiry
  4. The Person of Jesus Part 3: The Historical Jesus
  5. The Person of Jesus Part 4: The Existence of Jesus
  6. The Person of Jesus Part 5: Sources and Historical Method
  7. The Person of Jesus Part 6: The Gospels as Sources
  8. The Person of Jesus Part 7: The Life of Jesus


9. Jesus’s Identity in the Church Fathers

10. Jesus’s Identity in the New Testament Epistles

11. Jesus’s Identity in the Gospels

Reading the Greats


  1. Reading Aristotle: Physics 1.1: What is the study of Nature?
  2. Reading Aristotle: Physics 1.2: Is Nature One or Many?
  3. Reading Aristotle: Physics 1.3: Being is Not One
  4. Reading Aristotle: Physics 1.4: Being is Not Infinite
  5. Reading Aristotle: Physics 1.5: Contraries as Principles
  6. Reading Aristotle: Physics 1.6: The Number of Principles
  7. Reading Aristotle: Physics 1.7: The Principles of Nature
  8. Reading Aristotle: Physics 1.8: Essential and Accidental Change
  9. Reading Aristotle: Physics 1.9: Conclusion on the Principles
  10. Reading Aristotle: Physics 2.1: What is Nature?
  11. Reading Aristotle: Physics 2.2: Physics, Math, and Metaphysics
  12. Reading Aristotle: Physics 2.3: The Four Causes


  1. Reason and Divine Revelation: Reading Aquinas: Summa Theologiae Prologue and I, Q. 1, Art. 1
  2. Theology as Science: Reading Aquinas: Summa Theologiae I, Q. 1, Art. 2-4
  3. The Most Noble Science: Reading Aquinas: Summa Theologiae I, Q. 1, Art. 5
  4. Reading Aquinas on Evil: Is Evil an Entity? (Q. 1, Art. 1)
  5. Reading Aquinas on Evil: Is Evil in Good? (Q. 1, Art. 2)


  1. Souls and an Argument from Motion in Plato’s Phaedrus


  1. G. K. Chesterton’s “Heretics” and the Importance of Creeds

Socratic Dialogues

On Love:

  1. A Socratic Dialogue about the Nature of Love
  2. Second Dialogue on the Nature of Love
  3. Third Dialogue on the Nature of Love


  1. Aristotle’s Answer to the Science/Philosophy Debate
  2. The End of Science?

Evolution/Intelligent Design:

  1. In Depth Review of “Undeniable” By Molecular Biologist Douglas Axe

Book Reviews

  1. Review: An Atheist and a Christian Walk into a Bar
  2. Review: Apologetics and the Christian Imagination


  1. Thoughts on Abortion Arguments
  2. Further Thoughts on Abortion Arguments