Sens Homines 100th Post

This is officially the 100th post published here on Sens Homines over the past fifteen months. Thank you to everyone who reads and follows along! I’ve very much enjoyed the process and journey and look forward to continuing on.

A lot has changed over the course of writing these one hundred posts. I’ve been reading back over some of my early posts, and honestly can’t help but cringe at times. If nothing else, blogging regularly has helped develop my own writing (although I certainly still have a long ways to go). But that was the whole point of this blog in the first place: the journey. Growing, learning, interacting.

So, with that said, I thought it’d be fun and interesting to take a look back.

Here’s a list of my own top fifteen personal favorite posts (ordered chronologically). These are the posts I enjoyed writing the most:

  1. Prime Mover Part 3: Final Objections
  2. G. K. Chesterton’s Heretics and the Importance of Creeds
  3. The Person of Jesus Part 1: Jesus’s Shadow over History
  4. My First Mass and the Worst Mass Shooting in American History
  5. A Socratic Dialogue about the Nature of Love
  6. Arguments for Atheism #2: Material Causation and Creation Ex Nihilo
  7. Christmas: To the End of the Way of the Wandering Star
  8. Brief Thoughts on Meaning, Purpose, and God
  9. Aquinas’s Argument from Degrees of Perfection Part 4: Conclusion
  10. Could an Evil God Exist? Thoughts on Classical Theism and Definitions of God
  11. Aquinas’s Argument from Design Part 3: The End
  12. An Augustinian Defense of Hell
  13. Beginning Metaphysics IV: Essentialism
  14. Assessing the Kalam Cosmological Argument, Part I
  15. The Incarnation and Boethius’ Hierarchy of Knowledge

A few of these might also be some of my least favorite posts. It’s funny how that works. It’s also quite interesting to compare this list to the list of most viewed posts. With a few exceptions, the two are almost completely different.

I currently have plans for upcoming posts that I’m excited for, including posts on more modern/contemporary material. And of course, always more Aristotle and Aquinas. Until then, thanks again to all my readers.

God bless,

Harrison Jennings